
Malakhat Izmaylova

Pianist, Vocal coach


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about me:

I am a repetiteur, pianist and composer with 35 years of experience. Between 1993 and 2012 I worked at Azerbaijan State Opera and Ballet. After, I worked at Samsun State Opera and Ballet for 2 years between 2012-2014. Since 2014, I have been working in Ankara State Opera and Ballet.

I have accompanied in master classes of Montserrat Caballe, and Bruna Baglioni. I worked with conductors who were the best in their field, such as Rauf Abdullayev, Yalcin Adigezalov, Christian Badea, Antonio Pirolli, Allesandro Cedrone, Vladimir Ponkin, Andrea Solinas and other worldwide known musicians. I also give many concerts both in Turkey and abroad.

I am fluent in:

  • Azerbaijanian
  • Turkish
  • Russian


  • Italian
  • Azerbaijanian
  • Turkish
  • Russian


  • Harpsichord
  • Improvisation
  • Sight reading
  • Opera theatre
  • Transposition
  • Vocal competitions


  • Experience
  • Working in class
  • Performing on stage
