
Marina Vorotova

Vocal teacher, Vocal teacher (for kids)

Saint-Petersburg, Russia

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about me:

Singer, laureate of All-Russian and International competitions, vocal teacher at the Russian State Institute of Performing Arts, Member of the Composers Union of Russia, author of musicals performed in the repertoires of Russian theaters, jury member of many vocal competitions.

Education: Novosibirsk State Conservatory named after M.I. Glinka (bachelor's and master's degrees), Saint Petersburg State Conservatory named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov (postgraduate assistantship).

Teaching experience: since 2008. Worked as a teacher in a music school (teacher of solo singing class), Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (teacher, department of solo singing), International Academy of Music Elena Obraztsova (vocal teacher), RGIIS (vocal teacher, music director of the course).

Pedagogical activity: preparation for admission to music schools, secondary specialized educational institutions, and higher education institutions in Russia and abroad. Preparation for competitions, voice training.

Students: soloists of theaters in Russia and abroad, students of leading secondary specialized educational institutions and higher education institutions in Russia and abroad, laureates of All-Russian and International competitions, scholarship holders of the V. Spivakov Foundation, participants and winners of TV projects "Blue Bird", "The Voice", "The Voice. Kids".

About teaching: I do not adhere to a single teaching methodology, I am all for an individual approach to each student. All students enter the class with different vocal problems, it's impossible to use the same technical methods for everyone because each student has their own psychology, perception, physical build, etc. I believe that vocal experience can only be gained on stage, so I try to give my students the opportunity to perform frequently on various concert stages. I consider the creative path of each student as a project, helping to build a strategy and achieve the desired goal.

Minimum hourly rate - 2500 RUB.

I am fluent in:

  • Chinese
  • Russian
  • English